PACE: Parenting All Children Effectively

Online Course

Want a more cooperative, calm and considerate kid... 

...without relying on time outs, sticker charts and stressful standoffs?


PACE gives you the proven tools, strategies and personal support you need to parent your big feeling kid and bring joy and freedom back to your family life. 


Do you feel like your kid is a ticking time bomb and giving them even the gentlest limit sets them off into a rage-filled rampage?


Do you find yourself tiptoeing around the house, saying yes when you want to say no because you're afraid of dealing with their eruption of anger? 


Do you know that deep down they're a sweet, kind, loving kid but you have no idea how to bring out their truest, best self? 

It's not your fault that, when it comes to parenting a challenging kid, you feel helpless.

They don't come with a manual, and support for parents is often nowhere to be found.

But imagine knowing exactly how to help your kid the next time they throw a level 10 tantrum.

No more googling "do time outs work" while sitting outside your screaming child's door.

No more frantically searching for child therapists at 1am because you can't take another day of meltdowns. 

No more feeling guilt and shame for snapping and screaming at your kid when their big behaviors trigger you. 


By joining PACE now you will: 


Learn how to help your kid manage their emotions by managing your own


Get the tools to help you become the parent you want to be


Have a stronger, sweeter relationship with your child 

You want to be a patient, peaceful, playful parent but...

  You're so exhausted from handling your kid's angry outbursts that you would rather park them in front of the ipad than play with them. 

  You get so triggered by their obnoxious behavior that  you make crazy threats you will never follow through with ("if you don't stop hitting your sister I'm telling Santa not to bring you any toys!")

   You're so sick of fighting with your partner about how to handle your kid that you'd rather zone out on your phone when the kids are in bed than have another conflict-filled conversation

  Your relationship with your kid is filled with so much anger and overwhelm that you're counting the minutes until bedtime rather than enjoying the family life you were so excited to have. 

Here's the truth:

Children with big feelings need a different way of parenting.  

Behavior charts, logic, threats and traditional punishments don't help your easily overwhelmed child. 

In fact, they make... things... worse. 

Your kid needs a parent who gets them. Who knows why they act out so much and has the tools to reduce their big behaviors and calm their big feelings. Who knows how to build their resiliency rather than squash their self-esteem. 


"My kid has fewer meltdowns, my partner and I are more on the same page, and I have more confidence in how I am parenting."  

Kathy, PACE parent

"My son's tantrums have decreased and I better understand his behavior. PACE really taught me how to avoid power struggles!"

Cara, PACE parent 

"PACE brought my family back to life."

Chelsea, PACE parent


Parenting All Children Effectively

An expert-guided, six week online parenting course that gives you the knowledge, strategies, and support you need to become the parent you want to be and the one your kid deserves. 

Proven Roadmap 

PACE's effective approach is simple, science-based and sustainable. Begin with the Brain, Wonder Why and Parent through Play. 

Personalized Support 

We all know parenting isn't one size fits all. Receive individual coaching on how to handle your hard to handle kid. 


Comprehensive Parent Training

Self-paced online training modules that teach professional therapeutic play-based techniques to help foster calm, cooperation and consideration in your home.


Supportive Parent  Community

No one should parent in isolation. Get support 24/7 from an online community of parents, all of whom are working to parent with more patience and peace.

When you join PACE you'll

Learn how to reduce meltdowns, foster your child's coping skills and bring more joy back to family life. 

Module 1

Little Bodies, Big Feelings

Learn what is actually happening in your child's brain and body when they are feeling overwhelmed. Discover how to regulate yourself so that you can calm your child and create more peace in your home.

Module 2

Wonder Why

Understand how misbehavior is actually stress behavior and how to reframe your child's challenging outbursts. Find out which behaviors trigger you the most and how you can become less angry at your challenging kid. 

Module 3

Slow Down the Pace

Learn how to slow yourself down, prevent big behaviors and respond rather than react to your kid. Focus on connecting with empathy so that your kid doesn't resort to tantrums to get your attention. 

Module 4

Purposeful Play 

Discover simple, proven play therapy techniques you can use at home to help your kid handle their feelings. Find out how to use play, your child's first language, to communicate and connect with them to prevent oppositional behavior and bring more fun back to your parenting!

Module 5

Limits are Love

Knowing how to set clear, consistent, compassionate limits is crucial for peaceful family living. You don't want to be a pushover or a tyrant. Find out why your kid isn't listening to you and learn how to change your limit setting approach to reduce conflict and increase cooperation. 

Module 6

Joyful Family Living

Parenting doesn't have to feel so hard. Bring back the joy and hope you once had for your family life by incorporating mindfulness practices to break out of your stress cycle and move your family from thriving to surviving. 


By the end of our time together you will...

  Understand why your kid yells, hits, cries, acts out and exhibits other unsavory behaviors to get their needs met.

  Know exactly how to respond to your kid to get them to stop doing what you don't want and start doing what you do want. 

  Feel confident that you are helping your child develop their coping and self-regulation skills rather than contributing to their feelings of overwhelm. 

  Have a tool box of skills, techniques and strategies based in play therapy that are simple, effective and proven to foster your child's resiliency 

  Experience more joy, peace and fun in your home so you can actually relish being with your kids rather than counting the minutes to bedtime. 

"When I started PACE, I was in a dark spot and having a hard time laughing at anything having to do with parenthood. This group helped me be me again.

Chelsea, PACE parent 


Carley has truly changed my life in so many ways. The stars aligned when I was recommended to PACE, and I couldn’t imagine the place I would be in today if I didn’t move forward with Carley’s help! 

Dana, PACE parent 

100% of PACE parents report:

  • Having better tools for handling their child's challenging behavior

  • More joy in their relationship with their child

  • More confidence in their parenting 

  • A family life that runs more smoothly

Parenting is hard.

Let's work together to make it easier




  • Access to 15 online videos teaching you specific play therapy techniques and mindful parenting practices to address your parenting challenges
  • Practical tools, scripts and strategies you can use to support your parenting needs
  • Bonus workshop recordings and materials

Value: $350 

Enroll Now



  • Six LIVE group calls where you’ll receive parenting support from childhood mental health expert and family play therapist, Carley Aroldi
  • 24/7 support from a virtual parent community where you can ask questions, share your successes and struggles and receive guidance
  • Access to 15 online videos teaching you specific play therapy techniques and mindful parenting practices to address your parenting challenges 
  • Practical tools, scripts and strategies you can use to support your parenting needs
  • Bonus workshop recordings and materials

Value: $650

Click Here to Join Waitlist



  • Three individual one hour virtual sessions where you’ll receive personalized support to uncover and resolve your most pressing parenting challenges with Carley Aroldi, childhood mental health expert and family play therapist 
  • 24/7 support from a virtual parent community where you can ask questions, share your successes and struggles and receive guidance 
  • Access to 15 online videos teaching you specific play therapy techniques and mindful parenting practices to address your parenting challenges 
  • Practical tools, scripts and strategies you can use to support your parenting needs
  • Bonus workshop recordings and materials

Value: $1250

Join Now

And there is more!

When you join PACE, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:


7 Tips for a Successful School Morning

If you're finding yourself screaming more than smiling as you shephard your family out the door, this workshop is for you. Tune in to learn how to make your mornings less stressful so you can start your day with more calm and less conflict. 


5 Ways to Have Happier Holidays

Holidays are supposed to be a time of love and appreciation but many parents find themselves so burnt out this time of year that they would rather take a solo vacation than sit around the Christmas tree. Join Carley as she shows you how to make the season less exhausting and more enlivening. 


4 Professional Play Therapy Techniques Booklet 

This downloadable booklet teaches you four play therapy  strategies you can use at home today to reduce your child's anxiety and teach them how to express their big feelings. 

Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Carley.  

I’m a clinical play therapist, childhood mental health expert, mom of two and founder of Peaceful Parenting.

I’m here to reimagine what family life can look and feel like, especially for parents who have “big feeling” kids.

I know what you're going through because I've been there. When my first kid was born, he was easy. I actually thought to myself, “I am such a good mom. Look at how my kid listens to me, stays calm when things go wrong and does what he is told. I must be doing all the right things! Who says parenting is so hard!” Oh, how pride cometh before the fall.

Then my second kid came along. And she was fire. All the tricks, tools and parenting strategies I’d been relying on for years failed me. She was (is!) strong willed, big feeling and a fierce self-advocate. Try to imagine Rosie the Riveter and Beyonce having a baby – you’ve got my girl. 

It's like living with a little lawyer.... 

Luckily, I had already been immersed in child development for over a decade by then so I knew her challenging behavior was her way of communicating her needs to me. And I could say yes to her feelings while saying no to her behaviors, which taught her how to ride the wave of her emotions without always being taken over by them.

But not every parent has advanced degrees in childhood mental health and years and years of experience. And all the parenting books, Dr. Google advice, and mommy FB groups don’t help when you’re facing the 17th tantrum of the day.

So I’ve made a commitment to teach parents how they can foster their child’s coping skills and resiliency by using mindful parenting practices and simple, effective play therapy interventions at home.

As Glinda the Good Witch reminds us, “You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”  With my guidance and support, you can find the power to move your family life from chaos to calm.


You can have a more peaceful home

with calm and cooperative kids



Click the enrollment button below and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email with your login details. You can dive into the online lessons teaching you effective parenting practices right now! 


Get support

Let Carley know where you're struggling and she'll provide personalized guidance giving you the tools you need to reduce conflict and foster cooperation at home. 


Bring peace back to your family

Never again feel like your relationship with your big feeling kid is doomed. Know exactly what to do to heal the way you parent and enjoy your family life. 


This is for you if:

  You've read parenting books, asked friends and family for help, even talked to your pediatrician but still don't know how to manage your challenging kid.

  You want to feel more relaxed in your parenting - not on edge, anxious, overwhelmed and burnt out.

  You want to stop tip-toeing around your easily overwhelmed kid and start teaching them how to cope when things don't go their way. 

 You think you might throw up if you have to start another sticker chart.

  You understand that in order for things to get better in your home, you need to change what you're doing before your kid changes what they're doing.

This is not for you if:

  You're expecting an outside expert to "fix" your kid.

  You're not willing to shift how you handle your own emotions and only want your kid to be different.

  You'd rather have a kid who feels controlled by you rather than connected with you.


Are you ready to heal the way you parent? 

Join PACE today and say goodbye to power struggles with your kid, conflict with your partner and feeling lost in your parenting. It's time to make a change for yourself and your child. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Now is the time.

Don't wait another day to become the parent you want to be and the one your kid deserves.

You've read the parenting blogs. You've asked on FB moms. You've cried and yelled and pleaded with your kid to try to make things change. It's time to stop googling and start learning effective ways of handling your big feeling kid.

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side of overwhelm:

  A sweeter, stronger relationship with your challenging child 
  A family life you can enjoy rather than endure
  A home filled with more smiles than screams
  A child who is more cooperative, calm and considerate because they have a parent who understands, loves and guides them toward their best self

If you're ready to heal the way you parent,

join now. 



  • Access to 15 online videos teaching you specific play therapy techniques and mindful parenting practices to address your parenting challenges
  • Practical tools, scripts and strategies you can use to support your parenting needs
  • Bonus workshop recordings and materials

Value: $350 

Enroll Now



  • Six LIVE group calls where you’ll receive parenting support from childhood mental health expert and family play therapist, Carley Aroldi
  • 24/7 support from a virtual parent community where you can ask questions, share your successes and struggles and receive guidance
  • Access to 15 online videos teaching you specific play therapy techniques and mindful parenting practices to address your parenting challenges 
  • Practical tools, scripts and strategies you can use to support your parenting needs
  • Bonus workshop recordings and materials

Value: $650

Click Here to Join Waitlist



  • Three individual one hour virtual sessions where you’ll receive personalized support to uncover and resolve your most pressing parenting challenges with Carley Aroldi, childhood mental health expert and family play therapist 
  • 24/7 support from a virtual parent community where you can ask questions, share your successes and struggles and receive guidance 
  • Access to 15 online videos teaching you specific play therapy techniques and mindful parenting practices to address your parenting challenges 
  • Practical tools, scripts and strategies you can use to support your parenting needs
  • Bonus workshop recordings and materials

Value: $1250

Join Now