Episode #12: Good Enough Holidays


Have you ever lost your sh*t while baking Christmas cookies? Ever screamed at your partner for not doing the holiday shopping for their own family? Ever threaten your kids that you were calling Santa to cancel Christmas if they didn’t stop fighting? You are my people. A few years ago, I found myself standing in my kitchen on Christmas morning thinking “I just want this to be over.” It was a terrible feeling. The last few weeks had left me overstimulated, overtired and overwhelmed by the thought of making Christmas happen for our small kids that day. I just wanted to get back into bed and fast forward to January 2nd. Eventually I mustered up some energy and thanks to family support and some bloody marys, I made it through the day with a pseudo-smile. But I remember thinking that I never wanted to feel that way on Christmas morning again.


So the next year in early November, I took some time to pause and think about how I wanted the holiday season to feel and flow for our family. I knew I wanted to feel connected, to feel grateful and to feel energized by the magic this time of year can bring. I not only got clear on my intentions, but also created simple practices that allowed us to appreciate the joy and delight that comes with parenting young kids in this season. It can still be chaotic and there are always lots of BIG feelings all around (from young and old!) but I can truly say we now savor the season in a way that brings out the best in all of us.


I began sharing these tips for happier holidays with families in my private practice a few years ago and it has been a game changer. So many moms have told me that taking the time to pause and get clear on how they want to create the holidays for their families has significantly reduced their stress and amplified their joy.


On today’s “Good Enough Parenting” podcast, I share the ways I try to do less and be more this time of year. From delegating to boundary setting to remembering the sacred, tune in to find out how you can have a happier holiday season without losing your mind this year.


If you’ve ever felt the need to take a solo vacation starting December 1st listen now!