Episode #13: Helping Kids Find Their Voice


Community. Creativity. Courage.

These are foundational for social/emotional well being, in kids AND in adults.

We need to feel part of something. We need to make things – it’s our drive as humans! And we need to have courage to ride this crazy rollercoaster of life in 2023.

There are not many ways to access all of these at once.

Except through performing arts.

Full disclosure – I was a theater kid. It’s part of what makes me a kick ass play therapist – I know how to jump into an imaginative role!

I discovered early on the power of finding supportive people, learning how to create together and how to face the avalanche of anxiety that comes with putting yourself in front of people.

Today on the Good Enough Parenting podcast, I chat with Jeanna DeWaal, Broadway STAR (go to Netflix right now and watch her as Diana in Diana: The Musical – she’s transformative) and founder of Broadway Weekends.

She shares with us the work she and her team of Broadways artists are doing to help regular old non-professional kids and grown ups (like me!) learn how to be genuine, communicate authentically and face fears.

All things we HOPE to teach our kids.

So if you’re looking for a sure fire way to help your kid (or yourself!) find their voice, feel safe enough to be vulnerable and quiet the endless monkey chatter of anxiety in their brain, tune in today.

You can find all of the Broadway Weekends offerings here www.broadwayweekends.com 

Big discounts if you jump in before the end of 2023 so don’t wait!

Hope to see you at Broadway camp next summer….